Atlantic Halloween Dance Party! Sunday October 30th 7:00 PM EST Castle Blackthorn
Atlantic Halloween Dance Party! Sunday October 30th 7:00 PM EST Castle Blackthorn
Join Us for Trick or Treats at Blackthorn's Castle Sunday, October 30th at 7 pm Est
for An Evening of Fright!
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in Castle Courtyard Mini Games, Trick or Treat Bags, Refreshments
8:01 pm to 9:00 pm in Castle Council Chamber - The King's Meeting
9:01 pm to 10:00 pm in Castle Throne Room - Dancing and Costume Contest Finale (9:30 pm)
Costume Contest:
Judges will be watching at all three stages of the evening. Costume Entries must be present in the Castle Throne Room to win at 9:30 pm finale. Three very nice prizes will be given to the top three Ghouls or Gals.
Sponsored by UO Guide, Goodman's Library, Toad Town, The Governor & Citizens of Vesper, Skara Brae, Moonglow, New Magincia & Britain.
Re: Atlantic Halloween Dance Party! Sunday October 30th 7:00 PM EST Castle Blackthorn
Costume Contest Winners:
Grand Prize : Deckard
1st Prize: Athena
2nd Prize: Robin Graves
3rd Prize: Its Just Me
Many Thanks to Everyone who helped make this event a Success! Happy Halloween!
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