King's Meeting, Atlantic Shard, November 29, 2014

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King's Meeting, Atlantic Shard, November 29, 2014

Postby Andrasta » Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:37 am

You see: Lady Echo [ODE]
You see: Lady Summer [BooB]
You see: Theros Feld [LE@F]
You see: Death Angel the Magnate
You see: Lady Summer [BooB]
You see: Minister Farthington
You see: Sherry the Mouse
You see: Lord Dupre
You see: Lady Echo [ODE]
You see: Red Beard [BooB]
You see: Theros Feld [LE@F]
You see: Red Beard [BooB]
Welcome back, Governor Andrasta
You see: A Mongbat Earl of Moonglow
You see: Casandra [S||V]
Casandra: is this the place for the council du roi?
Death Angel: yes
Summer: im here
Red Beard: aye
Echo: aye, it is
Casandra: thank you
You see: Tatiana Thorn Duchess of Skara Brae
You see: Randal Brandt [-CB-]
You see: Erebus [BooB]
You see: Lothar De La Ray
You see: Erebus [BooB]
Echo: Good evening
Randal Brandt: *nods*
Erebus: Hail!
Death Angel: *waves*
Randal Brandt: Aye. It tis!
Summer: hi tati
Echo: :)
Death Angel: *waves*
Erebus: :D
Summer: *looks into crowd*
Summer: pfffft
Randal Brandt: *rubs his eyes, recovering from an unusually long sleep*
Tatiana Thorn: its to be expected
Summer: Mongbat next time you wanna make a book tarnishing my name make sure you put truth in it bud
Summer: buddy
Summer: read a real book of what i have done for moonglow
Death Angel: Are you sure he was the one he made the book?
Randal Brandt: *perks a brow*
Red Beard: Hello M'Govnah Erebus
Summer: he was seen passing them out
Erebus: Hello
Summer: in minoc
Death Angel: I am sure this is not the place
Red Beard: Hows Trix ?
Erebus: great
You see: SunWolf [Yew]
Erebus: I was reading
Red Beard: better with milk ?
Erebus: summers book
Erebus: lol
Death Angel: But as his guild leader Id be happy to take this up appropriately
Erebus: for kids really
Echo: Greeting Governor Sunwolf
Death Angel: at a different forum
Echo: how are thee?
Summer: governor
Summer: erebus
Erebus: Yes?
Echo: good
SunWolf: Hi Tati
Tatiana Thorn: good evening mr sunwolf
Echo: I'm glad to hear it
Summer: well who ever it was needs to stop with the dirty election tactics
Death Angel: well then you should find out who that was and not fall for hesay shesay
Death Angel: again
Death Angel: we can take this up at a different venue
You see: Nyx [BooB]
Welcome back, Governor Andrasta
Erebus: Andrasta
Erebus: *tips hat*
Death Angel: As co guild leader I am sure there are rules u follow to pursue grievances
Andrasta: *smiles*
Summer: well its polotics
Erebus: wth is that
Summer: i expect the dirty election
Summer: the last 2 people who ran against me tried it
Nyx: oh lord must I change
Nyx: I like the combo of color
Lothar De La Ray: shh writing a book about Sunwolf
Summer: and you see how sucsessful they were
Erebus: no no
SunWolf: I will kill you all
Erebus: u look like a jar of gray pupon
Death Angel: well your grievances are about last elections
Summer: ?
Lothar De La Ray: 10 shillings to read all about you
Lothar De La Ray: *laughs*
Red Beard: You want I should Kill him M'lady
Death Angel: take that up with them
Nyx: I was about to ask if you would :)
Lothar De La Ray: *pokes Sun with glowstick*
SunWolf: Hey, I don't know where that has been, knowing you
You see: Quacklebush [BLAK]
You see: Maximus [BLAK]
You see: Lord Alward [*DP*]
You see: Akera [*DP*]
Erebus: lol
Tatiana Thorn: me?
Lothar De La Ray: *laughs*
Quacklebush: arrrr
Summer: Governor quack
Lothar De La Ray: "smells like Mongo"
Quacklebush: ello guvnas
Red Beard: I think I just puked a little in my mouth
Erebus: Hail Govna quack
Tatiana Thorn: good evening sir
Echo: Hail
Akera: Hail
Death Angel: *waves*
Randal Brandt: *nods to Quacklebush*
Quacklebush: ello tati
Quacklebush: shall i warm up yer stoll for ya
Summer: haha
Summer: hot pirate butt
Quacklebush: haha
You see: King Blackthorn
Casandra: *hic*
Akera: Hail
Akera: Lord
Echo: Hail King Blackthorn
Quacklebush: hail king
Red Beard: All Hail The KING
Erebus: HAIL
Erebus: !
King Blackthorn: *takes his seat*
Nyx: Hail!
King Blackthorn: Glad to see everyone this Holiday weekend.
Casandra: hail!
Casandra: *hic*
Tatiana Thorn: *swats at the sword*
King Blackthorn: I hope everyone has said their thank yous and counted their blessings.
Erebus: Aye
Andrasta: yes Sire
Tatiana Thorn: yes sire
Echo: aye
Summer: yes
King Blackthorn: Good, good.
Quacklebush: argg
Casandra: *hic*
King Blackthorn: So, I personally do not have anything of note this evening.
King Blackthorn: I do know the judging for a Winter Housing contest will be soon.
Death Angel: *claps*
You see: Thanatos [BooB]
Akera: :_)
King Blackthorn: But beyond that I'll open the floor to the Governors and go down the list.
Casandra: *hic*
King Blackthorn: Let us start with Yew, good to see you Governor Echo.
Echo: Good evening sire
King Blackthorn: How fares Yew after the recent harvest?
Echo: the harvests are bountiful and Yew is doing well
Echo: many new houses have sprung up recently
Echo: land is becoming scarce which is good
Echo: :)
Echo: all in all, nothing to report. All is well in Yew
Echo: I'd like to apologize for my absence last gathering
King Blackthorn: A high property value is important to keep things in the economy running well.
Echo: *nods*
Quacklebush: *nods*
King Blackthorn: Not at all Governor, I know you and Sunwolf work closely together.
King Blackthorn: And Yew is never unrepresented.
King Blackthorn: Which is all I ask.
Echo: I am glad to hear that sire
Echo: and to thank Governor Sunwolf
King Blackthorn: Governor Admiral Quacklebush, How flies the flag of Vesper?
Quacklebush: vesper and cove be well yer majesty
Quacklebush: but there be another city that conerns me
King Blackthorn: oh?
Quacklebush: trade and economy is most important to vesper and her alliance
Quacklebush: and the city of new magincia be causing problems
Summer: aye
Erebus: aye
Andrasta: *smiles*
Quacklebush: as you know there has not been a capable guvna
Quacklebush: in magincia for quite a time
King Blackthorn: The humble hamlet of New Magincia is a burr in the coat of Vesper?
King Blackthorn: I find that hard to believe.
Quacklebush: aye she be
King Blackthorn: What seems to be the problem, directly?
Andrasta: How dare you
Summer: be quiet down there
Erebus: Let the governor speak.
Quacklebush: magincia has place tarrifs on vesper before
King Blackthorn: *nods his head*
Quacklebush: now we seek to bring stability to magincia
Quacklebush: and to remove any tarrifs against vesper
Andrasta: You mean bully it
Quacklebush: and her alliance
You see: Spree [BXE]
Erebus: Respect please governor?
Quacklebush: for the greater good of trade and economy of the kingdom
You see: Spree [BXE]
King Blackthorn: While the former... umm... 'represenative' of Magincia was rather lacking.
Andrasta: that goes both ways Governor Erebus
King Blackthorn: I find that Magincia is fairly well represented currently.
Tatiana Thorn: *sneaks away to open a door*
King Blackthorn: There is an election coming soon I believe?
You see: Spree [BXE]
Quacklebush: aye there be
SunWolf: Hi Spree
You see: Lew [GRL.]
Spree: ribbit
King Blackthorn: *nods*
King Blackthorn: Let me approach this, this way.
King Blackthorn: *turns to Governor Andrasta*
King Blackthorn: What have they asked for, that has caused so much furvor?
King Blackthorn: *nods to Lew*
Andrasta: They approached me at my first town meeting
Lew: *looks over sleepily*
Andrasta: and suggested that I should join their alliance
Lew: *nods head*
Andrasta: or else
Summer: haha
Summer: that never happned
Erebus: *laughs*
Andrasta: they have surrounded the Governor`s office with ships
Andrasta: i feel that they are angry
King Blackthorn: Well, other than a lack of tact. What reason do you see against working with your other...
King Blackthorn: Towns?
Andrasta: because now they cannot pillage New Magincia
Quacklebush: arrr we be seakin alliance only for trade
King Blackthorn: Magincia's docks are quite lucrative for trading in the right hands.
Quacklebush: *nods*
Andrasta: i do not have any objection to working
King Blackthorn: Pillage?
Andrasta: i do however object to stealing and bullying
King Blackthorn: Trade is a benefit to all, is it not?
Tatiana Thorn: *nods*
Summer: *nogs*
Summer: nods
Quacklebush: it be
King Blackthorn: *ponders*
Quacklebush: *nods*
Erebus: *shakes head*
King Blackthorn: I suppose I am confused.
King Blackthorn: I know that Vesper and her close allies have formed a close trading partnership.
Andrasta: my word is good Your Majesty
Summer: indeed we did
Alward: a healthy economy s a strong Kingdom
Andrasta: i work for the people of New Magincia
King Blackthorn: It has been a benefit to both the Kingdom, and the cities involved.
Andrasta: not to line my own pockets
Erebus: *taps foot*
King Blackthorn: *nods his head*
Andrasta: i will let the people decide
Lew: *wipes sweat from head*
King Blackthorn: But wouldnt a trading partnership be a benefit to the people?
Andrasta: a trading partnership would
Quacklebush: *glares at andrasta*
Andrasta: but thats not what has been going on
Andrasta: why threaten me if its just trade they are after
Erebus: *bites lip*
Andrasta: why sail ships into my waters and threaten my office
King Blackthorn: Sometimes people can be overzealous, and take offence.
Andrasta: does that sound like a trade deal to you
Andrasta: i have the logs of the meeting sire
Andrasta: i transcribe every word
King Blackthorn: Governor Quacklebush, I ask that the Vesper Armada's Ships be removed from the waters...
Akera: there is a building in your city with secreat documents on an attack to Cove as well
King Blackthorn: off Magincia, until after the Election.
King Blackthorn: however...
Quacklebush: arrrr
Akera: :_(
Quacklebush: thar be no good for economy
Quacklebush: must magincia suffer longer
King Blackthorn: Governor Andrasta, I would ask that you meet in ernest to negotiate trade in good faith.
Andrasta: give me an honest trading partner and i shall
Quacklebush: grr
Quacklebush: you see what we be dealin with
Quacklebush: *shakes fist*
Andrasta: the people of New Maginica suffered for the last 6 months
Alward: Is not Cove doing well
King Blackthorn: I have faith in the Vesper Alliance, they have done great things with every city they have...
King Blackthorn: Touched.
Summer: Ty King
Erebus: here here!
Quacklebush: *nods*
King Blackthorn: I agree, they have. The former... chair warmer...
King Blackthorn: Wasn't a governor at all.
Summer: she was a cheater
Summer: !!!
King Blackthorn: And now they have you, and I am sure they are thankful.
Tatiana Thorn: oh my
King Blackthorn: But, trade is the life blood of New Magincia.
Andrasta: until I uncover who was stealing from New Magincia i will join no Alliances
Summer: ok sherlock holmes
Quacklebush: magincia be more stuburn then ever
Erebus: You are no longer welcome
Andrasta: have some respect Governor Summer
King Blackthorn: I cannot fathom why you would turn away a trade alliance...
King Blackthorn: Ah I see.
King Blackthorn: Now I understand.
Alward: can they steal thru a wall of ships?
King Blackthorn: *ponders*
SunWolf: The meeting, didn't seem like a simple trade deal to me
Lew: *looks around confused*
King Blackthorn: Has your investigation into the looting of Magincia during the former Governor's tenure...
King Blackthorn: Turned up any results?
Red Beard: Respect is Earned not Demanded
Andrasta: it is still being investigated Sire
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Nyx: *nods to Red Beard*
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Andrasta: many thousands of gold coins and trade goods are missing
King Blackthorn: Well, let us not sacrifice the now and the future to uncover the crimes of...
Lew: *leans back in chair, feeling uncomfortably full*
King Blackthorn: Someone we know to be at the very least...
Andrasta: its a serious issue
King Blackthorn: well...
King Blackthorn: *shrugs*
Summer: well sherlock when your done let us know
Lothar De La Ray: i need a serious tissue
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Randal Brandt: Tis' like reading the same piece of parchement repeatidly....
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Summer: we are always here
Randal Brandt: *shakes head*
King Blackthorn: The former Governor was, no doubt, upto no good.
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
King Blackthorn: I do encourage you to move forward however.
Tatiana Thorn: *shakes head sadly*
King Blackthorn: For the sake of New Magincia and the Kingdom as a whole.
Quacklebush: arrr
Andrasta: perhaps when the threats stop i shall
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Quacklebush: give magincia to the allaince we fill her coffers
Lew: *glances at summer*
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Summer: *looks at lew*
Andrasta: its more about control than trade
King Blackthorn: As I said, I encourage you both to meet on friendly terms and work out a peace.
You see: Kuru [BLAK]
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
You see: Kuru [BLAK]
Red Beard: You Need a True Pirate to control the waters of New Mag
King Blackthorn: I think a trade partnership would benefit Magincia.
Summer: Aye
Quacklebush: aye
Andrasta: under the circumstance
Erebus: And there shall be one
Andrasta: i do not agree
Quacklebush: if she we not join we need a guvna who will
Quacklebush: will*
Andrasta: and feel bullied
Summer: Indeed we will
Erebus: the people will decide
Andrasta: yes they will
Summer: let her be for her last week in office
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Erebus: Red Beard will govern new magincia
Summer: AYE!!
Quacklebush: in respect to the king vesper will move her ships
King Blackthorn: Elections are powerful things, and always have consequences.
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
Erebus: And be a part of this alliance that only brings the people together, the reason it started
Otoro Musashi: *hic*
King Blackthorn: Let us all pray that it is the will of the people that will speak loudest this time.
King Blackthorn: Last time was... disheartening.
King Blackthorn: I warn the Governor of Magincia...
Red Beard: What you Need M'Lord and what the PEOPLE Need is a Govnah for the People not for herself
Tatiana Thorn: oh my
Lew: *picks something from his beard*
Andrasta: i will watch myself Sire
King Blackthorn: Starting a trade war with a powerful conglomerate.
Andrasta: thank you for the warning
King Blackthorn: *shakes his head*
Andrasta: I am from an old family
Andrasta: I am not afraid
King Blackthorn: If there was some reason why... some crime, or grievence...
King Blackthorn: I could understand.
King Blackthorn: But as of now, I am simply confused.
Andrasta: missing gold and goods is not a crime?
Randal Brandt: *shifts his glasses on his nose at the questions that are answering themselves*
King Blackthorn: Oh it is, but I atribute that to the lax and inattentiveness of the former Governor.
King Blackthorn: Not to the Governor of another Town.
Summer: who is now missing...along with all the citys gold......
Andrasta: until the investigation is complete
Summer: hmmmm
Andrasta: i will protect New Magincia
King Blackthorn: Be mindful not to protect her to death, my Lady.
King Blackthorn: I have faith in you as well.
Alward: or isolate her
Andrasta: my thanks
King Blackthorn: But you must also move forward.
Andrasta: I will find good honest trading partners
King Blackthorn: Governor Tatiana, how are you finding Skara Brae after her harvest this year?
Tatiana Thorn: skara brae is doing great
Tatiana Thorn: the hunters have been flocking to her borders
King Blackthorn: You are a member of this trade alliance as well, am I correct?
Tatiana Thorn: yes sire
King Blackthorn: Have you found it a boon to your city?
King Blackthorn: Or a burden?
Tatiana Thorn: i have found it helpful
Akera: :_)
Lew: *leans over to Gov. Summer and Whispers* does this look like bone to you?
King Blackthorn: *nods*
Summer: *leans over yes a very small bone*
King Blackthorn: Very well.
King Blackthorn: Governor Summer.
Summer: Hello King
King Blackthorn: How is the city of Mages?
Summer: The city of mages is doing great
Summer: the money from the trade allience is rolling in
Andrasta: *raise eyebrow*
Summer: mind you
Akera: hehe :_)
Summer: when i took over
Summer: all kill
Summer: Protect the Governor
Summer: all follow me
Summer: all kill
Summer: Protect the Governor
Summer: moonglow had 3,123,678 gold
Summer: I wish to lock this down
Summer: we now have over 165million
Death Angel: huh?
Summer: in our bank
King Blackthorn: Very nice.
Akera: :-)
Summer: you can check the stone
Lew: *looks around*
Summer: right now we are getting ready
Summer: for my third term as governor
Summer: other than that
Summer: nothing new
King Blackthorn: *nods*
Otoro Musashi: *excuse me*
King Blackthorn: old friend Lew...
Akera: ?
King Blackthorn: How are you, and your city?
Lew: *takes a deep breath*
Lew: sire, i am sorry
Lew: but I have no memory of anything since the last meeting
Lew: i woke up an hour ago on the docks of vesper
Akera: hehe
Summer: lol
Lew: i had to beg a mage to gate me here to make it on time
Akera: washed up
King Blackthorn: Have you been at the Drink again?
King Blackthorn: *sniffs him*
Tatiana Thorn: *giggles*
Lew: All I know is that my stomach hurts, and I feel like I've eaten a cow
King Blackthorn: Ask in, the whole cow?
Lew: so I can not tell you how Trinsic fares
Summer: the allience has ben watching trisnic
Tatiana Thorn: we did hold a tavern night there
Lew: Sire. I can only hope it was a cow
Summer: the city is fine
Andrasta: of course they have
King Blackthorn: Hmm.
Summer: The city is fine
Erebus: Indeed we have
Summer: and doing well
Lew: I remember a strange person coming in last meeting.. and all went black
Lew: I remember pains, though I do not know why
King Blackthorn: Lady Tatiana, could I burden you with the care of our friend Lew?
Tatiana Thorn: yes sire
King Blackthorn: Stay close to him, and be mindful of any visitors he may have?
Death Angel: And then you chased me around Brit yelling about eating brains!!
Lew: I feel I need some type of protection sire
Tatiana Thorn: yes sire i will keep watch
King Blackthorn: Governor Tatiana is the most honest of souls.
Lew: *gasps*
Lew: I did what!
Death Angel: *glares*
Tatiana Thorn: *blushes beet red*
Quacklebush: thar be something strang bout lew
Lew: I sure hope this bone I found in my beard is not a finger bone
Akera: hand no booze to Lew
King Blackthorn: Stay with her Lord Lew, she will be the first step in us all figuring this out.
Summer: *tilts her hand in a drinking motion*
Lew: I think I need a drink
Tatiana Thorn: not tonight sir
King Blackthorn: Water... nothing else.
Lew: oops, too late
King Blackthorn: Where is Solus?
King Blackthorn: *frowns*
Akera: detox 30 days for Lew
Quacklebush: me thinks there be something wrong with lew
Quacklebush: he be smellin funny
Erebus: Yes Sire
King Blackthorn: How is Minoc?
Lew: *hic*
Erebus: Ah
Erebus: Where to begin
Lew: *hic*
Erebus: Minoc is doing better than ever
Erebus: The economy is growing hand over fist
Erebus: Mainly due to our trade alliance
King Blackthorn: *takes away Lews drink*
Summer: here here!!
Erebus: Which i wish to speak to
Akera: lol
Erebus: For a second
Erebus: That alliance was only started to bring the cities and its people together
Lew: *glares at the ... quickly looks away*
Erebus: for the greater good of your kingdom sire
Erebus: to ensure that all cities
Erebus: are wealthy
Erebus: and full of pride
Erebus: If there are people that do not wish to be a part of something
Erebus: That could change the way people see our cities
Quacklebush: aye... Minoc be strong now
Erebus: Then we will let the people decide
Erebus: One of my guild heads
Erebus: Red Beard
Erebus: Will be running for New Magincia
Red Beard: *waves*
Erebus: And when he wins
Erebus: We will then have Magincia in the trade alliance
Lew: *hic*
Summer: here here!!!
Erebus: only making your kingdom stronger
Erebus: That is all we want
King Blackthorn: If that is what the people decide, so be it.
Erebus: Unity and Strenght
Erebus: I love minoc
King Blackthorn: But it is the people who are of the most import.
Erebus: And its doing better than ever
Erebus: Aye sire
Lew: *hic*
A Mongbat: *nods*
Erebus: and we do this for its people
Akera: :-)
Erebus: not personal gain
Red Beard: Then lets make it about the Current People not the problems of the past
Erebus: We will move forward
Nyx: *Nods*
King Blackthorn: I would remind the Alliance that we are all on the same side, one Kingdom.
Tatiana Thorn: *nods*
King Blackthorn: Lets keep the kid gloves on, as it were
Summer: *nods*
Erebus: Aye Sir.
Red Beard: Yes M'Lord
Erebus: It is all for your kingdom
Summer: and lets hope for clean elections
Erebus: Thank you for letting me bend your ear
Quacklebush: arg
Lew: *feels a litte sick*
Tatiana Thorn: one can only do their best
King Blackthorn: Lord Sunwolf...
King Blackthorn: Could you do me a favor?
SunWolf: Yes?
King Blackthorn: *smiles slightly*
King Blackthorn: Could you look in on Trinsic, as an impartial viewpoint?
King Blackthorn: With Lew being under the weight of the bottle.
Lew: *turns to his left*
King Blackthorn: I would like someone I trust to at least look into things there.
Lew: *pukes*
SunWolf: I know a friend who used to run the Trinisic council, I can ask her
King Blackthorn: *nods*
Lew: *wipes chin*
King Blackthorn: Very well.
Lew: my apologies governor
SunWolf: I am curious about this alliance, what does it offer?
King Blackthorn: *looks to Andrasta*
SunWolf: A trade deal is just deals under contracts
King Blackthorn: One moment.
Andrasta: *smiles*
Tatiana Thorn: *wipes face with a cool wet cloth*
Lew: *glances over his shoulder*
Lew: thankee
King Blackthorn: How is New Magincia, other than what we already spoke of?
Echo: as am I...
Andrasta: It is recovering
Andrasta: slowly
Andrasta: we had a well attended meeting
Andrasta: we are holding a Pet Show on December the 9th
Andrasta: for the entertainment of the people
Tatiana Thorn: *grins*
Andrasta: to cheer them up and help them cope with their lost gold and goods
Andrasta: we would like to petition for a meeting hall
Andrasta: as our meeting had to be held outside
Andrasta: i will submit a plan with your approval
Andrasta: i will run again if only to hold on to some security for New Magincia
King Blackthorn: I am well aware of the sparse archetectural mass upon the island.
Andrasta: to make sure its not swallowed up by the Pirate Alliance
Erebus: *laughs*
Summer: WHAT
A Mongbat: *nods*
King Blackthorn: Once the economy improves, I think mayhapse such things will blossom.
Akera: huh
Andrasta: and will present the findings of my investigation
Quacklebush: arrr we be no pirates
Andrasta: should i return as Governor
King Blackthorn: I welcome the results of your investigation, no matter the results of the election.
Summer: she and this bufoon behind me need to learn some things
King Blackthorn: *turns to Sunwolf*
Andrasta: hopefully no harm will come to me before then
Lew: *looks behind himself*
King Blackthorn: Sorry, protocall and all.
King Blackthorn: As you were saying?
SunWolf: I was just curious about this alliance that everyone is talking about
SunWolf: Yew, is doing very well, and is in no alliance
Echo: agreed
Erebus: I can tell you for Minoc it means unity, fair trade, boost economy and I would give my life for my
SunWolf: I was at the Maginica meeting, my memory is fails me at times, but I heard no trade
Erebus: Allied governors
Quacklebush: aye we seak stability for all cities in the kingdom
Erebus: She was asked to join the trade alliance at her meeting
SunWolf: Since Yew is doing so well, I ask Governor Echo, to send shipments to Magincia of goods and gold
Erebus: We would all give our lives to ensure success of each others cities
Andrasta: you threatened me
Andrasta: I will trade with Yew
Quacklebush: grrr
Echo: My Liege, if I may
King Blackthorn: *nod to Echo*
Andrasta: Yew is honest and honorable
Summer: *hands note to quack*
Echo: Yew would be more than willing to send a shipment to help those of New Magincia
Echo: recover that what was lost or stolen
Quacklebush: *looks over at echo*
King Blackthorn: The economy of Magincia is hanging on by a thread. I think it would be a benefit to the people if
Quacklebush: formin your own alliance now are ye?
Summer: thats what it looks like
Andrasta: I welcome such a trade deal with Yew
Echo: I was not invited to join yours
King Blackthorn: You did so
Erebus: Interesting
Echo: I am merely offering aid to another
SunWolf: We are not offering a trade deal, we are offering aid
Quacklebush: all cities be invited to our allaince
Erebus: Aye they are all welcome
Quacklebush: yew and magincia would do best by joinin our allaince
SunWolf: Why so?
Quacklebush: not formin thar own
Echo: indeed?
Randal Brandt: *quietly excuses himself.*
SunWolf: Britain is the most wealthy city in the kingdom
SunWolf: Is it in the alliance?
Andrasta: we do not wish to join your alliance
King Blackthorn: With an absent Governor tonight.
Lew: *scrathes head*
King Blackthorn: *sighs*
Summer: we dont wish to join?
Lew: *looks around for Galathan*
Summer: so you speak for everyone
Andrasta: I speak for New Magincia as is my right
Erebus: We are forgeting the term alliance, and what it means, trade is one side but unity for citizens is
Lew: where is my manservant, I need one of those asprin
Erebus: The other
Tatiana Thorn: oh my...
Quacklebush: grrr
SunWolf: I haven't seen anything but bullying in this last Magincia meeting
Quacklebush: *glares at sunwolf*
Erebus: Showing citizens sides of the kingdom they may not have known
SunWolf: But I kept quiet during it
King Blackthorn: *stands*
King Blackthorn: I think this issue is best left, answered by the coming election.
Summer: you dont know
Lew: *lays head on table*
Summer: thats why your on that side of the tanle
King Blackthorn: As it is so close.
Erebus: Aye my King I agree
Summer: table
Quacklebush: *slams fist on table*
SunWolf: you wasn't even at the meeting Summer
Quacklebush: dont be fools
Echo: I *glares at Summer*
Andrasta: *looks shocked*
Erebus: No thats where you are wrong
Lew: MY EAR!
King Blackthorn: I wish you all luck, and pray the voice of the people speaks louder than the gold of the few.
Summer: dont glare at me Governor
Erebus: If we are there Summer was There!
Lew: *glares at everyone*
Echo: or what?
Summer: you can be shut down as well
King Blackthorn: Good evening.
Erebus: UNITY
Andrasta: or else
King Blackthorn: *frowns slightly*
Erebus: Im sickened
Tatiana Thorn: come mr lew
Echo: Are you threatening me and the people of Yew?
Lew: *looks at Tatiana*
Lew: *slowly rises*
Quacklebush: magincia and yew join us now
Lew: where are we going?
Quacklebush: you are with us or aginst us
Tatiana Thorn: to get you some rest
SunWolf: *laughs*
Summer: seems they have there own
Summer: allience
Echo: what does that even mean? we are all on the same side
Summer: I say keep thr SHIPs there
Erebus: They will fall, it is ok, in the rubble we will rise as always
Quacklebush: dont listen to sunwolf echo
Andrasta: you were ordered to move them by the King
You see: Lanowyn [BooB]
Echo: and why not
Summer: i seem to lost my keys
Red Beard: May I speak freely
Echo: why you over him?
Summer: to my ship
Quacklebush: you dont want to side with magincia
Erebus: Red Beard the soon to be Governor of Magincia
Echo: I am not siding with anyone
Red Beard: Let the People decide
Erebus: Yes?
Echo: we offered aid
Red Beard: move the boats
Red Beard: as asked
Echo: to a struggling economy
Lanowyn: *sticks up middle finger at summer!*
Red Beard: then we let the people decide
Red Beard: they will know what is best
Echo: for the people and the Kingdom
Red Beard: for my town of New Magincia
Summer: indeed
Summer: Governor red beard
Red Beard: So please move the ships
Erebus: here here
Andrasta: not yet Lady
Andrasta: not yet
Quacklebush: i guess uv made up your mind then
Quacklebush: *evil glare*
Red Beard: again Respect is Earned not Demanded
Summer: look at her runnign away
You see: The White Hind
Summer: pfffft
Erebus: All of these chairs will be filled with the proper governors soon enough
Red Beard: on that note I have some planning to do for the upcoming elections
Andrasta: these newcomers are most rude
Quacklebush: *pushes echo out of the way*
Nyx: Aye my love they shall.
Erebus: Thank you for coming Red
Summer: Move
Echo: very nice
Summer: gargoyle
SunWolf: They need a history lesson, sometime
Red Beard: any time M;lord
Echo: go around me
Quacklebush: you fools
Erebus: and who is the bully?
Quacklebush: *shakes fist*
Erebus: *laughs*
Echo: excuse me
SunWolf: We shall see
Summer: I said
Summer: Move gargoyler
Summer: go fly to your cave
Erebus: hmm
Red Beard: Andrasta I would like a clean fight
Echo: racist
Erebus: seems tehre are two sides here
You see: colbs (young)
Summer: thats not what bats do?
Andrasta: check out my reputation Red Beard
Andrasta: you have nothing to fear from me
Red Beard: I am not doubting your rep
Andrasta: i do not steal or cheat
Red Beard: I am doubting your ability to lead
Erebus: Only accuse without cause or means
Lanowyn: :snap
Quacklebush: we dont underestamate your sneakyness guvna
Red Beard: I never questioned who you were
Erebus: casting many stones lately?
Andrasta: my island has been robbed
Summer: not by us!!
Andrasta: i do not know who robbed it
Akera: not by us
Red Beard: and history shows
Red Beard: its the current leaders
Erebus: But you can make accusations in a subtle way yes?
Erebus: Passive agressive way
Erebus: Nice leadership
You see: colbs (young)
Erebus: Like a ture pro
Andrasta: until i know who took the gold and goods
Andrasta: everyone is suspect
Akera: we put our ships there to help protect your citybank
Echo: Governor Sunwolf, I will send a falcon your way
Summer: like i said no problem sherlock holmes
Andrasta: you threatened me at my own meeting
SunWolf: *nods*
Summer: we will be here
Erebus: You have some things to learn about leadership
Echo: Governor Andrasta, aid will arrive within the week
Erebus: however
Quacklebush: you have made your beds governors
Erebus: you will not be able to learn it here
Quacklebush: g'nite
Andrasta: Thank you for your kindness Lady Echo
Andrasta: *bows*
Summer: hey QUACK
Summer: we have to move the ships
Nyx: I shall not bow to infetiles.
Summer: we will
Quacklebush: aye we do
Summer: and we can park them in YEW
You see: Red Beard [BooB]
You see: Erebus [BooB]
Summer: *laughs*
You see: Quacklebush [BLAK]
You see: Lord Alward [*DP*]
Echo: our ports are open
You see: Akera [*DP*]
You see: Maximus [BLAK]
You see: Nyx [BooB]
You see: Lanowyn [BooB]
You see: Lady Summer [BooB]
Echo: good luck finding the docks

Posts: 114
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:44 pm

Re: King's Meeting, Atlantic Shard, November 29, 2014

Postby Andrasta » Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:45 am

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