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Party for Skara Brae Governor

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:31 pm
by Jadey
We are having a party to welcome the newly elected Skara Brae Governor Sage of the Cartel.
This party is being held Saturday June 22 at 8 pm EST. All Skara Brae citizens are Welcome to attend.. We will be gating from the Skara Brae bank at 7:45 est to this party.
The party will be held at Fortune's Fire Resort & Casino resort in Fire Isle. Coords located at the west of the entrance to the Underworld dungeon, at 150º S 168º W. The rules of the House are:

There is a zero tolerance policy for cheaters and griefers.
Spamming is not allowed.
All pets and mounts must be stabled.
It is also a no fly zone.

There will be food & beverages provide. Please bring your swimsuits & sun tan oil!! Hope to see the Citizens of Skara Brae there :D