Digital Memories of Ultima Online

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Digital Memories of Ultima Online

Postby RavenofMinoc » Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:17 pm

Hello friend,

If you have a moment, I'd like to tell you about the Digital Memories of Ultima Online project. (DMUO)

If you're like me, you have tons of images on your hard drive from the time you've spent on Ultima Online. Events, unique locations, wondrous homes, horrific monsters, and more have been carefully documented and stored away, precious memories of your adventures online.

Why not share those images with everyone who enjoys the game?

I recently finished collecting my UO images from old back-ups, emails, etc., and uploaded them to albums on my Facebook, G+ and Photobucket accounts and I invited my friends to enjoy them. These initial albums were just an experiment as my plans are quite ambitious, even for a Legendary Scholar like myself.

The DMUO project will create a public repository, a “memories vault” if you like. The contents will include images from all over Sosaria depicting the daily activities and adventures of it's colorful citizens. It will be a place where you can share your memories of UO with friends, old and new.

The plan is to make these pictures available to anyone to browse and enjoy. It will not be necessary to sign up for an account, or join anything to view the public vaults.

If you are a kind, sharing person, and I know you are... please take a moment to visit my blog and read about this exciting project. From there you can follow my other social media links to a YouTube video I made to explain the project, a mind map image that depicts the process and more.

I've been very busy planning the infrastructure for this project, but early participants like you will help me shape the process, and provide valuable feedback for the FAQ.

Not everyone is special, like you. I can tell that you're a leader. You are someone like me that enjoys the community Ultima Online provides and you want to be part of something that will show your love of Sosaria to all of the known worlds. Please join me in this endeavor.


Lord Raven of Minoc
Legendary Scholar and Mage

P.S. To the folks who run this board, thank you for featuring the DMUO project video on your WIKI page!

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Re: Digital Memories of Ultima Online

Postby RavenofMinoc » Sun May 13, 2012 9:06 am

Hello Friends!

I've moved the DMUO project to Phase II. Some folks had some great ideas on how the gallery should work. I've come to realize that my original vision for the project was fairly limited in scope and didn't offer many of the features that folks would like.

Also, I might have fumbled a bit by setting up the test gallery on a temporary domain. Perhaps folks think that there is no long-term commitment to the project - quite the opposite.

For a "wordier" explanation visit my blog.

Or, just go straight to the new gallery at

I'll be fleshing out the intro pages this weekend so be sure to hit that "refresh" button on the browser to be sure you see a current version of the site.

Warm regards,
Lord Raven of Minoc

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Re: Digital Memories of Ultima Online

Postby JC the Builder » Sun May 13, 2012 10:03 pm

This project is amazing. Good work Raven.

I have a hard drive which has sort of died on me. I think it holds the backup of my earliest UO screenshots from 1999-2001. I hope to someday see if I can have the drive data recovered.

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