~~~ Trading Forum Rules ~~~

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JC the Builder
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:52 pm

~~~ Trading Forum Rules ~~~

Postby JC the Builder » Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:39 am

UOGuide is not responsible and will not get involved in any trading done on this forum. It is the buyer/seller responsiblity to take all necessary precautions to avoid being scammed.

These rules must be followed by all posters. Breaking rules can lead to posts being deleted, warning and/or banishment from forum.

  • No Selling of Items Deemed Illegal to Own by OSI (such as Ancient Wyrms)
  • No Selling of any Codes, such as Gametime or Transfer (Tokens are OK)
  • You Must be in Possession of the Item you are Selling (no middleman sales)
  • If you know that someone is a scammer feel free to reply with information about what happened to you in past trades. Be sure to provide links as well.
  • Cash trades are not allowed

Safe Trading Tips
Here are some tips to help prevent yourself from being scammed out of a trade.

  1. Always click on every item in the trade window to verify the item(s) identity.
  2. Always request every container be opened in the trade window.
  3. If the trade window is closed for any reason, make sure you re-click every item to verify the identity. Also tell them to re-open every container.
  4. If the other person is putting items not related to the trade in the window, restart the trade and demand they don't place those items again.
  5. Always click every gold check to make sure it is the correct amount, even if there are 100 checks. One time someone tried to scam me by allowing me to click every check, closing the window, and then replacing the bag with a bunch of checks worth less then the amount.
  6. If the other person is stacking items on top of each other in the window, first ask if they are using the 3D client. If they are, tell them they can goto the options menu and turn on 2D container gumps for the duration of the trade.
  7. If the other person is doing anything suspicious, don't do the trade! Things which would make me walk away include: the other person keeps opening and closing the trade window, they are trying to stall the trade, someone else is opening a trade window besides the person you originally agreed to trade with, etc. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.
If you have more tips, feel free to reply with them!

Tradeboard Listing Tips
Here are some suggestions to help get your listing noticed and complete a timely transaction.

  • Use the proper topic prefix. It comes out in special colors and will help viewers zero in on your listing quickly.
  • The more descriptive your listing title, the more likely you are to grab someone's attention. Now that listings show up in other forum topics, you have an even greater chance for someone to notice your listing, but if you don't title it properly then they will never notice. For example:
    • Selling Stuff
    What are you selling? There is no idea!
    • Selling Power Scrolls
    This is a little better. At least we know the basic product.
    • Selling +20 Swords 9m, Orny 38m, Crystal Ring 16m, and more
    This is the best. You have used the entire subject line to accurately describe your listing. It will certainly get noticed by anyone looking for the above items. It may also draw in additional people because you are selling high quality stuff. There are 64 possible characters available, make use of them.
  • Include contact information in your listing or a buyer can't contact you. Putting your ICQ number and other instant messenger information into your profile is a very good idea.
  • A special BBcode has been created which will display armor resistances easily and with colors. So instead of 7/12/22/8/5 you have [r]7 12 22 8 5[/r]. You can see the new "r" button in the bbcode list towards the end between "pre" and "s".

Have a Nice day!

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