The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

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JC the Builder
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The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby JC the Builder » Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:05 am

IMG_1851.PNG (144.12 KiB) Viewed 14031 times ... 2012-11-06

IMG_1852.PNG (199.08 KiB) Viewed 14031 times

Look at how the intra-wiki links match up perfectly. Many pages are like this. They copied it from UOGuide, which our contributors spent months working on. I remember the day Cogniac said he finished the publish note section. He was so proud.

IMG_1854.PNG (146.02 KiB) Viewed 14031 times

You can see the first blatant copy and paste and then the second edit to correct the links for the Stratics wiki.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby JC the Builder » Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:33 am

Another shocking discovery. The wiki is linking you to websites which violate Stratics own Rules of Conduct.


The red circle link takes you to the offending website. The black out part shows the website name.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby ArrothThaiel » Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:42 pm

At first I was going to say something really sarcastic about Stratics, but honestly, what did we all expect.

It took 10 years and 1000's of contributors for UO Guide to become what it has. There is no way Stratics could have replicated it in any type of realistic timeframe without substantial amounts of cash.

Of course they copied and pasted, is it really surprising? It is nice to see their edits started four years ago! Before they even owned the site or started talking about a wiki! How convenient.

I can't wait to see what Stratics quest/artifact pages look like! I wondered why the UO Guide stats showed the quest page jumping from around 20th to 13th. They must have had to reload that page a lot to copy all the work I (and many others) did! (My programming skills are rudimentary at best, so it must be brutal trying to clean it up!)

It is too bad that Broadsword continues to associate with Stratics. By doing so, Broadsword is not only granting Stratics a favored status, with all the benefits that status confers, but is also implicitly condoning these actions (the theft of one community groups work by another, more favored group).

Too bad Broadsword doesn't just pull Stratics off the fansite list on the webpage.

EDIT: I want to be clear that I did not create the quest page, or any other page. UO Guide is the work of many people over many years. I spent a lot of time working on the quest section, building on what others had already established, so this happens to be the section where my interest is focused.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby syntaxterror » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:41 pm

Well being that your shutting down UO guide why is this a bad thing? Do you not want the work preserved? it's not exaclt copy right material and if the information is correct, then it's correct. You seem suddenly concerned about the work of your contributes... but your gonna shut that work down? or is all this just attention seeking drama? I don't care a lick about statics as a entity either way, but this public airing of your personal **** is pathetic.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby JC the Builder » Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:44 pm

I created a video going over problems with the wiki.

it's not exaclt copy right material and if the information is correct, then it's correct. You seem suddenly concerned about the work of your contributes... but your gonna shut that work down? or is all this just attention seeking drama?

It was a ton of work to format those pages with wiki code, as I explain in the video a bit more. They are taking months of work and copying it to their own website.

Also, I never said I was shutting down UOGuide. I said I was thinking about it. If people start helping out then it could turn around. I am not planning to shut UOGuide now.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby syntaxterror » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:20 am

well I hope you don't. I'm just back after 10 years and its been invaluable. that said, as someone who doesn't know any here or at statics, nor have I built any "loyalties" this is what it looks like to me. I saw a YouTube video complaining about something statics in regards to a merger. Then days later your "thinking of shutting down UO guide". If your mad at statics I can understand, but shutting UO guide down does not hurt statics, it helps them, and hurts the community at large. Now after this post, as a outsider I can be quite confident this is all about that squabble. If not... well that's the problem with airing your dirty laundry in public. People don't have the full picture and are left to conjecture.

Really wish you the best, but i'm pretty annoyed with the situation as a player.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby JC the Builder » Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:32 am

syntaxterror wrote:as someone who doesn't know any here or at statics, nor have I built any "loyalties" this is what it looks like to me. I saw a YouTube video complaining about something statics in regards to a merger. Then days later your "thinking of shutting down UO guide". If your mad at statics I can understand, but shutting UO guide down does not hurt statics, it helps them, and hurts the community at large. Now after this post, as a outsider I can be quite confident this is all about that squabble. If not... well that's the problem with airing your dirty laundry in public. People don't have the full picture and are left to conjecture.

Really wish you the best, but i'm pretty annoyed with the situation as a player.

This whole thing was not about hurting Stratics. It was about how I have been burdened by becoming the only person maintaining UOGuide. Stratics Staff members hurling insults and untruths was simply the straw that broke the llama's back.

I hope that clears up the situation for you.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby JC the Builder » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:34 pm


This evening I received an email with the following:
Stratics Staff wrote:It has come to the attention of the Stratics board that assertions are being made about the new Stratics wiki and the possibility that some of the content was copied from UOGuide. We are reaching out to you to correct this misconception and clear the air regarding this matter.

No content has been copied from UOGuide, nor is it our intention to do so. The specific example being cited is the Publish 79 notes, which can also be found both here: Publish 79 for TC1 Notes | Ultima Online and here: Publish 79 Comes to All Shards – 11/19 – Ultima Online. The information in question was copied from archived sources (including some at Stratics) and simply run through a wiki converter and tweaked from there. That the interlinks are similar indicates only agreement on the importance of particular key words and the likelihood that they would be good candidates for future wiki pages.

I responded with the following:
JC the Builder wrote:Lets us believe for a moment that there is some magic converter to create inter-wiki links and that somehow, no matter how implausible, it perfectly matched the same links UOGuide has setup. Let us put that to the side.

The fact remains there is no automated program in existence today that would take the Publish 79 notes, copy word for word the "Deployment History" section we created at the top of the page, and add the updates which are on other news posts, in the exact same way we did. This was absolutely unique to UOGuide and our contributors took a lot of time pulling all the information together.

stratics stealing 1.jpg
stratics stealing 1.jpg (131.8 KiB) Viewed 13715 times

stratics stealing 2.jpg
stratics stealing 2.jpg (145.66 KiB) Viewed 13715 times

This and other pages were definitely copied directly from UOGuide. There is absolutely no defense for this and attempting to make one up just digs yourself deeper into the hole.

-- JC the Builder

If you are disgusted as I am with all this please post a reply to this topic. It is difficult to see how many people actually care about this issue since they are deleting all posts on the Stratics forum.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby BroomyBroom » Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:31 am

I care,

That page is clearly copy and pasted. the other 2 links they provided to patch notes looks nothing like what their patch notes look like. its like linking to disproof their statement lol?. the links being on the same key words is such a lie. why did they miss so many other key words and other pic the exact same ones at uoguides site? as well as making links in the heading witch inst ideal but still copied? see other key words for items are missed like grapeshot or hags quest, Metallic Cloth Dye Tub. so many that they could have picked different or as well as what we picked... the fact they are trying to say their links are automated on key words by some script is just crazy... especially if they think people would believe a scrip only picks keywords the same as on uoguides site and not on all key words or any different keywords.

they should have copy and pasted from and did the formatting themselves instead of using other peoples work. its not that the notes aren't free for everyone to use but its clear they have copied a bunch of them from uoguide to save time on formatting pages.

although what is your ideal outcome you what JC?
Stratics to just admit it and move on?
Stratics to remove the offending that you tell them is copied and copy the notes from themselves?

Personally i know its someones hard work but I'm sort of in the basket of whats done is done. Someone at Stractics stole it and having them remove the work and redo it would meant they would have to admit they stole it in the first place which I cant see happening now they are actively trying to say they didn't.

Lets just hope when they start adding real content to their wiki that its not a repeat thing that pages are copy pasted from uoguide.

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Re: The NEW Stratics Wiki, Brought to You by UOGuide

Postby syntaxterror » Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:49 pm

JC, just doing some brief research there are various Conversion tools such as

several are listed at this link ... converters

I don't have the time to try them, but it might be worth making sure they didn't actually do as they said. Coping the text from patch notes is a rather compelling defense, being the text does match, leaving only links to question. Being the text is from a public source, even if it was for reasons of laziness pull from this wiki, the fact remains that the source material would have been from a public source.

I think if it were me, and I suspected thief from my site, I would simply hide some secret phrases within popular articles, and if they are indeed coping they will fall on their own sword when these secret phrases appeared on their wiki and it would be indefensible.

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