Guild on Europa please!

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Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:47 pm

Guild on Europa please!

Postby Qwerty » Wed Apr 15, 2015 2:57 pm

Hey there!

So I'm a returning Veteran player, been playing UO on and off for 10 years and I've been keeping up with the swing of things fairly well. I am looking for the a guild on Europa for PvE, PvP and just general playing about. I would love a VERY active player base if possible as I am very active and playing with friends is so much more fun!

My combat characters are a Tamer + Discord char, a macing Sampire and a Chiv Archer. All with pretty decent gear that is good enough for 90% of what UO has to offer. As well as an up and coming Mage/Necro/Spellweave with no gear of note as of yet.
Non combat I have 120 imbuing, 120 Tailor, 120 Smith, GM Carp, GM Fletching, GM Lumberjack, GM Arms lore and GM Tinker.
I am happy to lend my services to anyone, anytime. Including suit making!!! I love making armor suits!

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