Win an Anniversary Robe Code! Winned Selected

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby Adol » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:30 pm

Today I've seen someone else call out they had 2 of my bones, and then disappear with them... whilst I tried Trick Or Treating (The Salvage Bag trick still works) as well as grinded out a few pumpkin patches, and then remembered why I never got all my character names last time, or more than a few EM masks! Urrghhhh!

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby McNuge » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:40 pm

I was able to convince two returning players this week to join back on my shard and not another. And I also helped them along with new suits to get acclimated to the new content. To top it all off I got them to also join the guild I am in and they are both so appreciative of what I did and happy the be in the guild they are in now. I feel really great about what I did for them. :D

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby alariel » Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:36 pm

I helped a returning player place a tower in an awesome location. We have since created a guild together, and recruited a few other returning players. I look forward to what the future holds! :)

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby DarkWolf » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:09 pm

I spent quite a bit of time house cleaning to try and condence 2 houses into 1. Want to be able to place my 2nd house on Seige as I really do not want to live out of my bankbox....
I spent even more time killing the Headless Miners in hopes of obtaining the ever elusive golden pickaxe. While waiting for the respawn, I worked up my necromancy skill!

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby gagemithrandir » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:40 pm

Hard to believe I've been playing UO for 13 yrs now

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby Forsaken » Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:02 pm

I witnessed a real love triangle in UO this week!

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby Faeryl » Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:48 pm

Something I did in UO this week... I got to hang out with one of my best friends in UO that I don't see too often anymore and beat the tar out of Miasma! Aw yeah! :D

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby Kayne » Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:15 pm

I decided UO has gotten MUCH better through the RTB program and actually had fun PVMing for a change.

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby Nyses » Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:58 pm

Last night, a guildmate and I fought 2 PK's at the Fel Moonglow graveyard, for about an hour. We were there minding our own business, dispatching the souls of the recently deceased and collecting the occasional bone container, when out of no where there appears a murderous soul. We first dispatched him and in short order he showed up with help. Well, the fight was on. It was a good time.

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Re: Win an Anniversary Robe Code!

Postby Ripster » Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:35 pm

This past sunday i attended an EM sponsored archery contest on Drachenfells to see just who was infact our worst possible Archer. Sadly i was not even close to the worst.Congrats to the winner Though!

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